After the short-lived term break 😭, we resumed back our ICPD lessons! So in Week 7, we learnt about CAD - Computer Aided Design 💻 which we understood as softwares which allowed us to design 📐and draw out 🖌 our products on the computer from which we understood the various benefits 💡 of why it exists and we also used FUSION 360 to put it into practice. For this week, we continued with learning about Product Development 🔨🔧 which we started in week 7 before the break but this time we focused on Digital Fabrication - 3D Printing 📦. 



Traditional manufacturing roles: the designer designs the part, manufacturing engineer examines the blueprint and might disagree with the designer when a particular component cant be manufactured as per the designer's designs because maybe the designer isn't as well-versed with the constraints of the manufacturing machines which leads to a negotiation between the two with the re-designing process resulting in a lot of time🕑 and

💸 wasted.

Is there a more efficient way?

💡Digital Fabrication. 

There will not be an instant solution to the problem but using design software will guide one to explore how to make that happen. With a generative design software, one can input the problem and specify the conditions to make it customisable e.g. this is the kind of space I can work in, this is the loads, this is the kind of force going in the part and these are materials we are willing to explore. The software will generate tens to hundreds of options for to explore from which one can weigh the criteria. E.g. if one finds weight more important than stiffness, or strength is more important than surface properties,  one can compare them in a graph and find a design which will better suit the requirements. 

In the subtractive world - the route to high efficiency, speed to market and low cost is to simulate as much as possible and only cut metal at the end of the process. However, for the additive world, one can iterate something many times to get the design right. One can iterate it physically but it still needs to be designed, manufactured, cooled, machined, tested which takes a long time. Therefore, instead of doing a linear process it can be done simultaneously, to save a lot of time - by using a Manufacturing software i.e. 3D Printing.

📌What is Digital Fabrication?

Digital fabrication is a design and production process where digital data directly drives manufacturing equipment to create various parts of the product. This data most often comes from CAD (computer-aided design), which is then transferred to CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) software. The output of CAM software is data that directs a specific additive and subtractive manufacturing tool, such as a 3D printer or CNC milling machine.

📌Why must we learn Digital fabrication?

In today's world, our society is becoming increasingly digitized and globalized where majority of the world's population is surrounded by electronic devices and information is all stored in the cloud. Manufacturers are shifting to new advanced manufacturing technologies and for us to survive in this ever-evolving industry, we have to be able to learn and adapt to new knowledge like digital fabrication. 

Dr Noel explained to us how learning about new technologies is not the key to being a good engineer but rather the strategic thinking, the ability to visualise🧠 the design of the prototype is what is key🌈. 

📌What are the advantages to learning/using Digital Fabrication?

1. Digital Fabrication allows one to quickly make what we need when we need it.
2. It is fully customisable to one's needs
3. Digital fabrication is fast becoming an important enabling technology in many chemical engineering fields 

E.g. Additive Technology in Oil and Gas industry
e.g. of additive manufacturing


The industry highly adopts Additive technology due to:
  • remote and urgent nature of business
  • low cost high complexity
  • shortens supply chain
  • Generative & iterative design
Shell, ExxonMobil, GE are early adopters

Usually for the oil/gas industry the plants are located off-shore meaning it is remote and difficult to access therefore if a pipe broke for example or if a component of the distillation column is malfunctioning, it would take days or weeks for the replacement to arrive by helicopter or ship and be installed which would result in massive losses as operation and production would be halted. Additive technology if its adopted by companies, would allow the companies to manufacture the component they require there and then on the spot infinitely and with ease due to its generative and iterative design. This means the company wouldnt have to ship or order massive quantities of the component and store it since it can be generated anytime thus resulting in a low overall cost and shortens supply chain. 

4. Good for Prototyping
  • Allows Physical evaluation of the design (customisable)
  • Perform functional testing before committing to a full production run 
  • Print numerous design iterations to identify and remove errors before production (due to iterative design)

5. Good for End-Part Use
  • Allows Extend lifespan of older equipment by printing obsolete parts
  •  Reverse-engineer spare parts 
  • Customisable high value/low volume 
  • End-Use production Tools and jigs are not required

An Interesting example:
  • Material Research for 3D printing
Chemical Engineering student from Texas Tech University discovered that only the Carbon Nanotubes infused in printable polymer filaments heat up quickly when exposed to microwave and hence can fuse together the layers in a 3D print making it stronger. Carbon Nanotubes is one of the strongest materials in the world. 


For the lesson, we adopted the Peer teaching model 👯👯 whereby all of the groups were tasked to create lesson material for a designated topic on Digital Fabrication and peer-teach the class after which our knowledge of the topic was assessed by a quiz on BlackBoard. Mainly, the groups taught us about what Additive Manufacturing is, the various types of 3D printing technologies (our workshop focuses on FDM - Fused deposition modelling), FDM design requirements in terms of slicer settings and how it can affect the quality of the product, different 3D printing terminologies, slicer setting for fast printing, and 3D printing in the news.

For our group, we were tasked the following:

💣Attached below are our slides we made to teach the class:



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